
Code Consolidation for Processing Custom Data Structure

I have developed a VBA application in MS Project to measure the quality of a project schedule. My app analyzes every task in a schedule and determines 35 different attributes which are then combined in various ways to compute 13 different quality scores. The program works great and produces the correct results, but I want to consolidate the code in various functions so it is not verbose (e.g., eliminate the Select Case statements). Details are as follows:

Public Const NoAnalItems As Integer = 35                ' Number of analysis items
' Define SA_Array and declare SCHED_ANAL
Public Type SA_Array                ' SA = Schedule Analysis
    Item As String                  ' Name of the analysis item
    SAT As Single                   ' Number of tasks for the entire schedule
    SOT As Single                   ' Number of open tasks
    PAT As Single                   ' Number of tasks for the entered period
    POT As Single                   ' Number of open tasks for the entered period
    WT As Integer                   ' Quality score weight
    Category As String              ' Category of the analysis item
    Description As String           ' Decription of the item for display on the help screen
    Risk As String                  ' Risk associated with the item for display on the help screen
    ExecuteCheckbox As CheckBox     ' Pointer to associated analysis item checkbox; TRUE if executed, FALSE if not
    RepairButton As CommandButton   ' Pointer to associated analysis item repair button
End Type
Public SCHED_ANAL(NoAnalItems) As SA_Array

Function qsM(stype)
' Title:    qsM
' Author:   11/21/2023 by Gary E. Didio
' Purpose:  Returns the milestone tasks quality score
'           stype is the type of task (all, open, period all, or period open)
On Error Resume Next

    Dim qs, qa, qw As Single
    qs = 0
    Dim t As SA_Array

    Select Case stype
        Case "SAT": qa = (SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).SAT * SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).SAT * SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).SAT * SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT)
                    If (SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).SAT <> 0) Then qa = qa / SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).SAT
        Case "SOT": qa = (SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).SOT * SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).SOT * SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).SOT * SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT)
                    If (SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).SOT <> 0) Then qa = qa / SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).SOT
        Case "PAT": qa = (SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).PAT * SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).PAT * SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).PAT * SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT)
                    If (SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).PAT <> 0) Then qa = qa / SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).PAT
        Case "POT": qa = (SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).POT * SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).POT * SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT) + (SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).POT * SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT)
                    If (SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).POT <> 0) Then qa = qa / SCHED_ANAL(pMTotl).POT
    End Select
    qw = SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT + SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT + SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT
    qs = (1 - qa / qw) * 100
    qsM = Format(qs, "#0.0")

End Function

I tried using the CallByName function, but do not believe it is appropriate for data structures. At a loss on what else to try.


  • To reduce the number of the Select Case stype... statements, factor that out into its own function "TaskCount" which takes two arguments: 1) the index of the array, 2) the name of the group of tasks.

    Public Const NoAnalItems As Integer = 35                ' Number of analysis items
    Public Type SA_Array                ' SA = Schedule Analysis
        Item As String                  ' Name of the analysis item
        SAT As Long                     ' whole schedule, all task count
        SOT As Long                     ' whole schedule, open task count
        PAT As Long                     ' period, all task count
        POT As Long                     ' period, open task count
        WT As Integer                   ' Quality score weight
        Category As String              ' Category of the analysis item
        Description As String           ' Decription of the item for display on the help screen
        Risk As String                  ' Risk associated with the item for display on the help screen
        ExecuteCheckbox As CheckBox     ' Pointer to associated analysis item checkbox; TRUE if executed, FALSE if not
        RepairButton As CommandButton   ' Pointer to associated analysis item repair button
    End Type
    Public SCHED_ANAL(NoAnalItems) As SA_Array
    Function TaskCount(idx As Integer, sType As String) As Long
        Select Case sType
            Case Is = "SAT": TaskCount = SCHED_ANAL(idx).SAT
            Case Is = "SOT": TaskCount = SCHED_ANAL(idx).SOT
            Case Is = "PAT": TaskCount = SCHED_ANAL(idx).PAT
            Case Is = "POT": TaskCount = SCHED_ANAL(idx).POT
        End Select
    End Function
    Function qsM(sType As String) As String
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim NumTasks As Long
        NumTasks = TaskCount(pMDurn, sType)
        Dim qa As Single
        qa = (NumTasks * SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT) + (NumTasks * SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT) + (NumTasks * SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT)
        If NumTasks <> 0 Then
            qa = qa / NumTasks
        End If
        Dim qw As Single
        qw = SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).WT + SCHED_ANAL(pMFixd).WT + SCHED_ANAL(pMPred).WT
        Dim qs As Single
        qs = (1 - qa / qw) * 100
        qsM = Format(qs, "#0.0")
    End Function

    Note: When declared like this: Dim qs, qa, qw As Single, only qw is declared as Single which initialize as 0, the rest are variants which initialize as Empty. Declare each variable on its own line to avoid erroneous declarations as Variant.

    PS This could also be done with a class module instead of the custom Type which would allow a construct such as SCHED_ANAL(pMDurn).TaskCount(sType). However, the overhead required for that single construct would be too much. Keep an eye out, however, for other parts of the code that would work better with SCHED_ANAL as a class which could tip the scales.