
Combobox data transfer

I have created a firemonkey app for windows with many components-editbox, label, rectangles, layout and a database in sqllite. I want to transfer combobox data to database table but failed. Anyone help how to transfer data from combobox to sqllite database.

I have tried these -

  1. FDQue.FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString :=cbCN.Items.Text;
  2. FDQue.FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString :=cbCN.Selected.Text;

Both syntax are not success. First syntax store only first item of combobox into database. Second gives "Access Violation error"


  • You need to use the following code example:

    FDQue.FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString := cbCN.Items[cbCN.ItemIndex];

    It will store the selected ComboBox item into the field CustomerName.

    Also don't forget to call FDQue.Post after you have set all necessary field values to finally save them to the database!