I am trying to add scroller in vegalite chart by just using vconcat composition, issue is that tooltip not visible/shown of vconcat[0] (main chart) but tooltip is completely visible in vconcat[1] (for scroller) ,why making tooltip true is not working in vconcat[0] (main chart) I want by making tooltip true in mark show tooltip on hover in chart without external defining toottip in encoding.
Editor link-https://vega.github.io/editor/#/url/vega-lite/N4IgJAzgxgFgpgWwIYgFwhgF0wBwqgegIDc4BzJAOjIEtMYBXAI0poHsDp5kTykBaADZ04JAKyUAVhDYA7EABoQAEySYUqUAwBOgtCrVJOOMQAZTlKBGIgAvkuJQ5UNWgDaoAO41l9NABYADlMlZG0AazRQTABPHDh9JiRtRRBMNjZBTBocNExtBjh7EDhZJ2UaWTIokAAPGoAzGjhBZX1VTASlWPj9ToQcNm0kPSVoEYTNFTZkSpqcZKQERIKIGDtipFqaCBrszEFJkA2lGMbm1v0cbRooLrS4o4BHBiRZfbUaUg37Lx8-VBBEIYOA0MhYNAANmBYUiUx6RySKW6GSyOTyBSKSgWwwQu1QHhAsiWiNW6zGLTgUEwe0e+kqnW0xBGqVK5UqZHxbjqIAAurZbLylGy2BUqjV6lMmi02ugOvcEX1EINhnpimcpRdZSBrrcFXT0C83h9st8lFsdntbuEAMJsBjvNAAZiUZBusoaIwgRQFgtsQA
I want by making tooltip true in mark show tooltip on hover in chart without external defining toottip in encoding.
Turn interactive to true.
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