
Bal persist returns the error `related entity does not have the corresponding relation field`

Consider the following Ballerina code,

import ballerina/persist as _;

type Phone record {|
    readonly string id;
    string number;
    boolean textOK;
    boolean whatsappOK;
    boolean callOK;
    Person person;

type Person record {|
    readonly string id;
    string name;
    string[] email;
    Phone[] phones;
    House house;

type House record {|
    readonly string id;
    int number;
    Person[] owners;
    boolean isRented;
    Person[] residents;

Following error is generated when the bal persist generate command is used for the second relationship to a person from house. Is there something wrong with the above code?

% bal persist generate              
ERROR: failed to generate types and client for the definition file(model.bal). the model definition file(model.bal) has errors.
ERROR [model.bal:(25:5,25:24)] the related entity Person does not have the corresponding relation field


  • The issue here is related to having two one-many relationships between Person and House entities. In this case, there should be a corresponding relation field for both of these relations in the entity Person. You can fix the above issue by changing the Person entity into the following form

    type Person record {|
        readonly string id;
        string name;
        string[] email;
        Phone[] phones;
        House ownedHouse;
        House residence;

    In addition to the above approach, you can also use many-many associations for the above case. In this case, the model file would take the following form.

    import ballerina/persist as _;
    type Phone record {|
       readonly string id;
       string number;
       boolean textOK;
       boolean whatsappOK;
       boolean callOK;
       Person person;
    type Person record {|
       readonly string id;
       string name;
       string[] email;
       Phone[] phones;
       HouseAssociation[] houses;
    type HouseAssociation record {|
       readonly string id;
       string name;
       House house;
       Person person;
       boolean isOwner;
    type House record {|
       readonly string id;
       int number;
       boolean isRented;
       HouseAssociation[] person;