
AWS Amplify Auth - The requested module does not provide an export named 'Auth'

Trying to build an AWS Amplify app using VueJS.

amplify add auth
amplify push
amplify env pull dev

I added an Auth module, authentication works based on an example using the authenticator tag

import { Authenticator } from "@aws-amplify/ui-vue";

  <template v-slot="{ user, signOut }">

I'm trying to get the OAuth user token to call other services, I recall there was an object Auth, which provided as well some methods getting the user details

Howevere when following some guides

import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';

The application fails to display and the browser logs an exception:

App.vue:4 Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/aws-amplify.js?v=ec6e723f' does not provide an export named 'Auth' (at App.vue:4:10)

How do I get the Auth object .. or the OAuth token?


amplify --version: 12.8.2
"aws-amplify": "^6.0.5"

I managed to get the access_token, yet I'm not sure if this is the correct/best approach

import { fetchAuthSession } from 'aws-amplify/auth;

onMounted( async() => {
try {
  console.log("AUTH: "+ JSON.stringify(await fetchAuthSession() ));
} catch(err) {
}  })


  • I found the answer on the Amplify API documentation:

    import { fetchAuthSession } from 'aws-amplify/auth'
    const authToken = (await fetchAuthSession()).tokens?.idToken?.toString();