We have data in this format.
item club dc
1 2 100
1 3 100
1 4 200
1 5 200
1 6 200
1 7 300
2 3 100
2 4 200
2 5 200
2 6 200
What I need is, for each item dc wise count of all clubs. Response should be:
item dc club_count
1 100 2
1 200 3
1 300 1
2 100 1
2 200 3
I tried with basic select item,dc, count(dc) over(partition by dc) from table
which is giving completely wrong answer. I also need order by cloub_count partion by items. So the final result should look like this:
item dc club_count
1 200 3
1 100 2
1 300 1
2 200 3
2 100 1
You only need a simple aggregation here, without window functions:
SELECT item, dc, COUNT(*) AS club_count
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY item, dc
ORDER BY item, dc;
If you really wanted to do this using window functions, you could try:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT item, dc, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY item, dc) club_count
FROM yourTable
SELECT DISTINCT item, dc, club_count
FROM cte
ORDER BY item, dc;