I have numpy
array of grayscale
pictures with shape (30,30).
The problem is that, when i write it with
cv2.VideoWriter(name + '.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'FFV1'), fps=24, (30, 30), False)
skvideo.io.FFmpegWriter("test.avi", outputdict={'-vcodec': 'libx264', '-crf': '0','-preset':'veryslow'})
My squence of images becomes from that.
to that:
So I want my video without any interpolation.
I know about resizing(for example cv2.INTER_NEAREST
), but in this case it is not an option.
How to write raw images in video fromat?
Does vlc
player affects on video reading?
I used ffv1 lossless intraframe codec with ffmpeg. For example
Then changed video output module in vlc to Windows gdi, like it was written here