
Sorting problem ( distortion ) of area chart in VegaLite

I create area chart and add a custom scroller using vconcat composition,vconcat[0] is main chart and vconcat1 is for dummy scroller Issue is that when i drag on scroller (vconcat1) for scroll and single click on the same (scroller) then chart get distorted.chart distord, x axis label is correct I am using sort by id to maintain the sorting on x axis And if i set sort to null then x-axis label sort get wrong (not in order as expected)

when sort is set null then x axis label get wrong

Editor link--vega Editor

I want chart not distorted on using scroller(when i drag on scroller and double/single click on the same sroller then chart look same as previous without drag on scroller) and x axis label maintain a sorting order.


  • Does this do what you want?

      "$schema": "",
      "data": {
        "values": [
          {"Count": 210.64, "month": "Jan-21", "name": "DRC"},
          {"Count": 179.95, "month": "Feb-21", "name": "WER"},
          {"Count": 155.48, "month": "Mar-21", "name": "GHJ"},
          {"Count": 230.72, "month": "Apr-21", "name": "THE"},
          {"Count": 167.27, "month": "May-21", "name": "JUY"},
          {"Count": 35.02, "month": "Jun-21", "name": "EDC"},
          {"Count": 234.97, "month": "Jul-21", "name": "QSD"},
          {"Count": 176.2, "month": "Aug-21", "name": "AXC"},
          {"Count": 163.84, "month": "Sep-21", "name": "FDS"},
          {"Count": 191.01, "month": "Oct-21", "name": "ASD"},
          {"Count": 182.99, "month": "Nov-21", "name": "THN"},
          {"Count": 119.79, "month": "Dec-21", "name": "RFV"},
          {"Count": 124.74, "month": "Jan-22", "name": "WSX"},
          {"Count": 241.88, "month": "Feb-22", "name": "QSA"},
          {"Count": 163.01, "month": "Mar-22", "name": "KOI"},
          {"Count": 137.3, "month": "Apr-22", "name": "YHN"},
          {"Count": 0, "month": "May-22", "name": "YHJ"},
          {"Count": 160.51, "month": "Jun-22", "name": "KLO"}
      "description": "Google's stock price over time.",
      "vconcat": [
          "height": 250,
          "layer": [
              "encoding": {
                "x": {"field": "month", "type": "nominal"},
                "y": {
                  "field": "Count",
                  "scale": {"zero": false},
                  "type": "quantitative"
                }, "order":{"sort": "ascending", "field":"id"}
              "mark": {"line": true, "point": true, "tooltip": true, "type": "area"}
          "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "brush"}}],
          "width": "container"
          "encoding": {
            "color": {"value": "lightGray"},
            "x": {
              "axis": {"labels": false, "ticks": false, "title": null},
              "field": "month",
              "sort": null,
              "type": "nominal"
          "height": 40,
          "mark": {"opacity": 0, "type": "area"},
          "params": [
              "name": "brush",
              "select": {"encodings": ["x"], "translate": true, "type": "interval"}
          "width": "container"