I am doing this todolist project, where I can create projects and inside each project I would have the ability to add tasks, now the solution I found was to create an array of task object inside of each instance of the project object, I would then single out the project I want to add the tasks to by adding an eventlistener that gives the clicked project a selector id while removing every other ids the other project might have, which makes it so that only a single project can have the id selector in the entire projects array, the issue I found was me being unnable to get a hold of the project with the id selector.
function populateProject() {
const projectsdiv = document.querySelector(".projectsdiv");
let proji = document.createElement("div");
let titre = document.createElement("h1");
titre.textContent = `${latestproject.title}`;
let descri = document.createElement("p");
descri.textContent = `${latestproject.desc}`;
proji.addEventListener("click", () => {
const allProjects = document.querySelectorAll('.projetstyle');
allProjects.forEach(project => {
proji.id = "id";
above is the populate function that creates projects with the eventlistener at the end
function getProjectById(projectsArray) {
const clickedProjectId = "id";
return projectsArray.find(project => project.id === clickedProjectId);
and above also is the function that I wanted for it to single out the selected project and return it, but apparently I don't really know how to mediate the dom element (proji which has the selector) and the objects.
You really need to be consistent on variable names.
I strongly suggest you add ONE eventListener to the container and use the event.target and event.target.closest('.projectstyle') to navigate
const projectsdiv = document.getElementById('projectsdiv');
projectsdiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const tgt = e.target;
if (tgt.matches('.delete')) tgt.closest('.projectstyle').remove();
const populateProject = (latestproject) => {
let project = document.createElement('div');
let title = document.createElement('h1');
title.textContent = latestproject.title;
const del = document.createElement('span');
del.textContent = 'X';
del.className = 'delete';
let description = document.createElement('p');
description.textContent = latestproject.description;
"title": "Title 1",
"decription": "Description 1"
"title": "Title 2",
"decription": "Description 2"
h1 {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
h1 span {
cursor: pointer;
<div id="projectsdiv"></div>