Server Error (500) on django app production

Updated, Please check the updated part.

I am trying to deploy a Django Application on Render.

In my project, I have some number of apps that have their own file. Then, in the project's url, I included them. Have a look at the project's url:

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('home.urls')),
    path('about/', include('about.urls')),
    path('kbdash/', include('management.urls')),

And for every app the url looks like this:

urlpatterns = [
  path('', about_page, name='about'),

all these urls work except for the path('kbdash/', include('management.urls'))

Below is the url of management app:

urlpatterns = [
  path('', views.Dashboard.as_view(), name='dashboard'),
  path('fuels/', views.fuel_list_view, name='fuel_list'),

all the urls in main urls file are working except for the kbdash/

Visiting kbdash/ and any link under kbdash/ throw Server Error (500)

View associated with /kbdash/ url. :

class Dashboard(LoginRequiredMixin, generic.View):

  def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):        
    fuels = Fuel.objects.filter(status=1)

      total_sale = Sale.objects.filter(fuel__id__in = fuels).aggregate(Sum('total_amount'))['total_amount__sum']
      if total_sale is None:
        total_sale = 0
      total_sale = 0

    context = {
      'total_fuel_count': fuels.count(),
      'fuels': fuels,
      'total_sale': total_sale,

    return render(request, 'management/dashboard.html', context)

I tried changing DEBUG to True in production to see error in browser. Doing so the url is working. But it should work even when the DEBUG is False.

I have no idea why such behaviour. On local computer it's working perfectly.

Can somebody guide me into the light...!

Updated part: I used the ADMINS setting in . Now I got the error in my gmail inbox. The error:

Internal Server Error: /kbdash/
ValueError at /kbdash/ Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'select2/dist/css/select2.min.css' Request Method: GET Request URL:

I used select2 for select element. It's perfectly working locally. but in the production it's not available in staticfiles.

I also tried the source code but checking the url /static/path/to/select2 shows that It's not available in production. What might be a way to trace it?




  • I just solved it.

    I stored the select2 source code in the a select2 folder like this:



    So when running the collectstatic in production it didn't find the sources in the path.

    Then after so many debugging I changed the path and directly placed the min.css and min.js under select2 folder.

    Now after running collectstatic it finds the path of select2.