
Playwright equivalent for JavaScript's "closest" function

I'm using Playwright, which lacks an equivalent for JavaScript's closest() function.

Can I accomplish that using XPath?


  • I'm using the .NET bindings, but you can convert the following to your environment.

    I defined extension methods (input validation excluded for brevity):

    public static ILocator Closest(this ILocator locator, string className) =>
      locator.Locator($"//ancestor::*[contains(@class, '{className}')]");
    public static ILocator Closest(this ILocator locator, string attributeName, string valueName) =>
      locator.Locator($"//ancestor::*[contains(@{attributeName}, '{valueName}')]");
    public static ILocator Closest(this ILocator locator, string elementName, string attributeName, string valueName) =>
      locator.Locator($"//ancestor::{elementName}[contains(@{attributeName}, '{valueName}')]");

    Which are used like so:

    var closestByClass               = myLocator.Closest("foo");
    var closestByAttribute           = myLocator.Closest("title", "Click this to do foo");
    var closestByElementAndAttribute = myLocator.Closest("div", "data-account-balance", "42");

    There are some edge cases, but it works for my use case.