
Live monitoring of MySQL from Node.js

I have a MySQL server (version 8.0.35-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) and would like to monitor UPDATE and INSERT operations in a particular MySQL table from a Node.js application. These changes should come from anywhere, not only from the Node.js application itself.

I found some documentation about an old NPM package called @rodrigogs/mysql-events.

When trying to implement the sample code in the documentation of this package, I got the following error:

ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I am aware that each MySQL users has a certain authentication method. I tried both of the following methods, but to no avail:

  1. mysql_native_password
  2. caching_sha2_password

Any idea how to overcome this?

Thank you.


  • I ran through the following steps and it worked fine for me.

    1. Create new user with replication and select privileges on the target database:
    CREATE USER 'test_native_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'test_native_password';
    GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'test_native_user'@'localhost';
    GRANT SELECT ON test.* TO 'test_native_user'@'localhost';
    1. Install mysql and @rodrigogs/mysql-events:
    npm install --save mysql @rodrigogs/mysql-events
    1. Used the following code from the Quick Start example to receive events for test.articles table:
    const mysql = require('mysql');
    const MySQLEvents = require('@rodrigogs/mysql-events');
    const program = async () => {
      const connection = mysql.createConnection({
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'test_native_user',
        password: 'test_native_password'
      const instance = new MySQLEvents(connection, {
        startAtEnd: true,
        includeSchema: {
            'test': ['articles']
      await instance.start();
        name: 'TEST',
        expression: '*',
        statement: MySQLEvents.STATEMENTS.ALL,
        onEvent: (event) => { // You will receive the events here
      instance.on(MySQLEvents.EVENTS.CONNECTION_ERROR, console.error);
      instance.on(MySQLEvents.EVENTS.ZONGJI_ERROR, console.error);
      .then(() => console.log('Waiting for database events...'))

    Running the following three queries against the test.articles table:

    INSERT INTO articles VALUES (7, 2, 'subject 7', 'content 7');
    UPDATE articles SET subject = 'subject 77' WHERE id = 7;
    DELETE FROM articles WHERE id = 7;

    I received the following output to the console:

    >node run.js
    Waiting for database events...
      type: 'INSERT',
      schema: 'test',
      table: 'articles',
      affectedRows: [ { after: [Object], before: undefined } ],
      affectedColumns: [ 'id', 'catid', 'subject', 'content' ],
      timestamp: 1701544533000,
      nextPosition: 691841809,
      binlogName: 'bin.000132'
      type: 'UPDATE',
      schema: 'test',
      table: 'articles',
      affectedRows: [ { after: [Object], before: [Object] } ],
      affectedColumns: [ 'subject' ],
      timestamp: 1701544536000,
      nextPosition: 691842155,
      binlogName: 'bin.000132'
      type: 'DELETE',
      schema: 'test',
      table: 'articles',
      affectedRows: [ { after: undefined, before: [Object] } ],
      affectedColumns: [ 'id', 'catid', 'subject', 'content' ],
      timestamp: 1701544540000,
      nextPosition: 691842466,
      binlogName: 'bin.000132'