
Filter a list of list based on data

I've this data

      x ← ((1 'data1') (0 'data2') (0 'data3') (1 'data4') )

I would like to filter the array like this


How can I achieve this?

I've tried this but it didn't work, it takes in account the first element only.



  • Good news is that you got it almost right. Not bad for your first day of APL!

    This minimal change to your code will do the trick:


    However, there's no need to make a copy of x into y, since APL is normally pass-by-value. Furthermore, = is commutative, so we can get rid of the inner parenthesis:


    You can then assign this to y:

          y← (1=⊃¨x)/x

    In fact, we can get rid of the outer parenthesis too, by explicitly commuting /:


    Alternatively, we can make y a copy of x and then filter y in-place:
