
How can I extract items from LazyColumn in Android Jetpack Compose?

The following is an overly simplified version of my case. Since I am under NDA, I can't post the actual code.

LazyColumn {
    //  ----- block 1 -----
    item {
        Text(text = "header 1")
    items(names) { name ->
        Text(text = name)
    item {
        Button(onClick = onClick) {
            Text("Button 1")
    //  -------------------

    //  ----- block 2 -----
    item {
        Text(text = "Header 2")
    item {
        Button(onClick = onClick) {
            Text("Button 2")
    //  -------------------

In reality block 1 and block 2 are way more complex than that, but in principle similar enough. Block 1 has the infinite list of objects plus another few hard coded ones; block 2 has only hard coded items. I would like to extract them both (but especially block 1) somehow such that I can simplify my component and have an easier time with screenshot testing (block 1 has a number different conditional items in it). Is there any way of having all those item {} and items(){} in a function without a LazyColumn wrapping around them? Such that I could pass that inside the LazyColumn above.

I tried having the LazyColumn only around my infinite list of items and everything inside a Column but that didn't work well with scrolling (and I'm not sure how performance friendly that is). But if I'm wrong please let me know!


  • Perhaps this meets your needs

    fun LazySample() {
        LazyColumn {
    fun LazyListScope.CustomSampleOne() {
        //  ----- block 1 -----
        item {
            Text(text = "header 1")
        items(names) { name ->
            Text(text = name)
        item {
            Button(onClick = onClick) {
                Text("Button 1")
        //  -------------------
    fun LazyListScope.CustomSampleTwo() {
        //  ----- block 2 -----
        item {
            Text(text = "Header 2")
        item {
            Button(onClick = { }) {
                Text("Button 2")
        //  -------------------