
How to use the properties query with Drive.Files.List in Google Apps Script v5

I'm trying to use the Advanced Google Drive service in Google Apps Script to find files with a given custom property value

          "corpora": "allDrives",
          "includeTeamDriveItems": true,
          "q": "'1tfT0BtCg2Z7B7dviOqNQsZTdSjrX5V9B' in parents and trashed = false and properties has {key='photoId' and value='AJHPqhQHfoNqbZSdk8ZUU-RILziCVXViIWPKBG46RIcTVSqzijyVOwyvk1hRE-PxCv3LGXlcT7e7AacOUjKxrUdnG6ssS4YdnQ'}",
          "supportsTeamDrives": true

This code as written gives the error

API call to drive.files.list failed with error: Invalid query

however if I remove and properties has {...} it will run fine.

I think I need to escape the curly braces somehow however I can't quite figure out how to do so?

Any help is much appreciated!


  • visibility parameter is not optional in v2. Use

    '1tfT0BtCg2Z7B7dviOqNQsZTdSjrX5V9B' in parents and
     trashed = false and
     properties has {
        key='photoId' and 
        value='AJHPqhQHfoNqbZSdk8ZUU-RILziCVXViIWPKBG46RIcTVSqzijyVOwyvk1hRE-PxCv3LGXlcT7e7AacOUjKxrUdnG6ssS4YdnQ' and 