I have timestampz
column called created
, and I want to create generated columns for month, day and year from it using Postgres 12+ generated columns.
Since there is a timezone in timestampz
, expressions like date_part(create, ..)
and EXTRACT (month from created)
fail with the error:
ERROR: generation expression is not immutable
I tried to convert to timestamp and fix the timezone, but both would still be considered mutable generation expressions:
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (date_part('month', created::timestamp))
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (date_part('month', created::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'))
However, as indicated by Erwin Brandstetter in his comment on this answer, this works:
(date_part('month', created AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) STORED;
Of course EXTRACT(month from created AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'))
also works.
That leads me to the conclusion that if I want N timezones, I need N generated columns.
Why does this work and not #2 above? Does it have to do with the servers' configuration params when doing ::timestamp
datatype conversion?
Why does this work and not #2 above?
Both #1 and #2 do not work because the cast from timestamptz
to timestamp
is not immutable. It depends on the current timezone
setting. And generated columns only accept immutable expressions for obvious reasons. To note: timezone
is not a "server setting", it's a setting for each individual session. The default is typically set in postgresql.conf
, but clients can (and regularly will) set it as needed.
On the other hand, date_part('month', created AT TIME ZONE 'UTC
is immutable. Deriving UTC time (or the local time for any given time zone offset) always produces the same result, and the time zone is a given constant in this expression.
The name of the data type timestamp with time zone
is a bit misleading, unfortunately. A given time zone is not stored at all. It just serves as input modifier to compute the corresponding UTC time, which is stored internally. (And as output decorator, adjusted to the timezone
of the requesting client.) See: