Currently I am working on giving a label to my data. I will give the label to data that marked as highest on the resulting query. the problem is the label is not only for 1 case but multiple, and also I need pagination for the query using Pageable.
*Note: I need it by query because I think it's not feasible to do in Java because 1. the API might have big number of hit, 2. the logic of pagination containing page_number and page_size and sorting query.
Example of data
id | name | power | heigh |
uuid1 | ace | 1000 | 170 |
uuid2 | luffy | 990 | 168 |
uuid3 | zorro | 980 | 167 |
uuid4 | sanji | 970 | 180 |
Mocked result that I wanted when I queried is like this
id | name | power | is_highest_power | heigh | is_highest_heigh |
uuid1 | ace | 1000 | true | 170 | false |
uuid2 | luffy | 990 | false | 168 | false |
uuid3 | zorro | 980 | false | 167 | false |
uuid4 | sanji | 970 | false | 180 | true |
Currently, working on it with Postgresql db with java JPARepository interface. I need to build the native query with pagination in it and also a filter for the result.
nativeQuery = true,
countQuery = "SELECT count(1) "
+ " FROM user u "
+ " WHERE (:startPower IS NULL OR u.power >= :startPower) AND "
+ " (:startHeigh IS NULL OR u.heigh >= :startHeigh)",
value = "SELECT,, u.power, u.is_highest_power (??), u.heigh, "
+ " u.is_highest_heigh (??)"
+ " FROM user u "
+ " WHERE (:startPower IS NULL OR u.power >= :startPower) AND "
+ " (:startHeigh IS NULL OR u.heigh >= :startHeigh)"
Page<SearchUser> searchUser(
Pageable pageable,
BigDecimal startPower,
BigDecimal startHeigh
public interface SearchUser {
String getId();
String getName();
BigDecimal getPower();
Boolean getIsHighestPower();
BigDecimal getHeigh();
Boolean getIsHighestHeigh();
I have found how to query to get the highest power or heigh (as mentioned here) but can not found how to mark a row as the highest and query it as the result column too.
How to achieve this in nativeQuery string?
See if using CASE WHEN
SELECT id, name, power,
CASE WHEN (SELECT MAX(power) FROM user) = power THEN true ELSE false END AS is_highest_power,
CASE WHEN (SELECT MAX(heigh) FROM user) = heigh THEN true ELSE false END AS is_highest_heigh
FROM user