I want to use string representation of dict in my env file. It is look like:
# .env a="a" b="b" c='{"s": 1, ...}'
I am make pydantic BaseSetting model for it and make model for my variable "c" in env:
class C_MODEL(BaseModel):
s: int
class Settings(BaseSettings):
class Config:
env_file = '.env'
env_file_encoding = 'utf-8'
a: str
b: str = "default"
settings: Settings = Settings()
But when I try to make instance I have:
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation errors for C_MODEL
I think BaseModel can't typing string to dict and make validation for class C_MODEL.
How can I make dict from string in env file in this case to make C_MODEL structure and use:
settings: Settings = Settings()
settings.c.s # == 1
in my code?
I read information from pydantic documentation about SettingsBase class and didn't find anything.
I am also read about validator and root_validator, but can't make any work code with it.
P.S: No problem with path to env file, only type of variable from it.
You can either:
make a dict out of an encoded JSON env var by just describing a field as a dict as described here
class _Settings(BaseSettings):
c: dict
or you can directly create a class and use it as a type hint, but don't forget to populate env variable upfront
class YourCustomField(BaseModel):
foo: str
baz: int
class _Settings(BaseSettings):
c: YourCustomField
c={"foo":"bar", "baz": 1}