
In React and Typescript why are my absolute paths not working on nested folders?

I'm trying to set up absolute paths in my React project but am running into a few issues when it comes to nested folders and the use of @ prefix.

With the following settings in my tsconfig.json:


This works: import "features/content/css/viewContent.css";

But this does not: import "content/css/viewContent.css";

I'm also having issues when using @ prefix, for example with the following settings in my tsconfig.json:


This works: import "global/components/example";

But adding a @ prefix in my settings liks so:


Doesn't work: import "@global/components/example";

File structure for examples above is as follows:

└── root dir
    ├── src
    │   └── features
    │       ├── content
    │           └── css
    │           └── etc...
    │           └── etc...
    │           └── etc...
    │   └── global
    │       ├── components 
    │       └── etc...
    │       └── etc...
    │       └── etc...
    └── tsconfig.json 

I've also followed the steps here but unfortunaley with not much luck.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • This turned out to be an issue caused by using create-react-app. I managed to solve it by using craco and adding the paths to my craco.config.js (as well as having them in my tsconfig.json file)


    const path = require("path");
    module.exports = {
      webpack: {
        alias: {    
          "@global": path.resolve(__dirname, "src/global/"),
          // etc...     


    "compilerOptions": {
      // etc...
      "baseUrl": "src",
      "paths": {
        "@global/*": ["./global/*"],
    // etc...