
Create GCP IAM to subscribe and also list only a dedicated subscription

I want to achieve that an extra created service-account is only possible to subscribe to a certain pubsub-subscription.

And also, when one uses this service-account for listing all subscriptions, it should also see only the "dedicated" subscription.

I've created on the subscription a permission which have to test the Pub/Sub Admin role

enter image description here

Then I check the listing with

from google.oauth2 import service_account
from import pubsub_v1

project_id = "project101"

credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(

project_path = f"projects/{project_id}"

with pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient(credentials=credentials) as subscriber:
    for subscription in subscriber.list_subscriptions(
            request={"project": project_path}

but it results in a 403.

As you see I need this for splunk, but I don't want to open too much.


  • To list Pub/Sub subscriptions requires the permission projects.subscriptions.list.

    That permission must be granted at the Project level or a higher resource. The principal with that permission will be able to list all subscriptions. You cannot limit them to a select few.

    You can review the available permissions and where they can be applied here:

    Google Cloud Pub/Sub Required Permissions