The code I get this error is:
const crop = imageSrc.crop({
x: value.x / ratio_w,
y: value.y / ratio_h,
width: value.width / ratio_w,
height: value.height / ratio_h,
I got this error when I was trying to get a subimage with the x,y, width and height coordinates of the image area to get. In there I declare
const [imageSrc, setImageSrc] = useState(null)
and I update the value of imageSrc here:
const handleImageChange = (event) => {
const file =[0];
if (file) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => {
According to Konva's documentation, there are instructions:
// get crop
var crop = image.crop();
I asked in repo of konva but no one respond my question.
From the documentation for FileReader: readDataAsURL()...
the result attribute contains the data as a data: URL representing the file's data as a base64 encoded string.
This is a string, not a Konva.Image.
You will need to load the result using something like Konva.Image.fromURL() before you can use methods like crop()
reader.onloadend = () => {
Konva.Image.fromURL(reader.result, setImageSrc, console.error);