I am trying to migrate from SpringBoot 2 to 3.
Previously, with the help of hibernate types we could run native queries and map the result to a POJO like so:
var sp = dbService.nativeQueryBuilder("select id, json_column as \"jsonColumn\" from test_table")
.addScalar("id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG) // LongType.INSTANCE for SpringBoot 2
.addScalar("jsonColumn", new JsonBinaryType(TestTabel.SomeJson.class))
.setResultListTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(SomeJsonResult.class));
return dbService.executeAndReturnListResult(sp, SomeJsonResult.class);
Note: dbService is just a wrapper over EntityManager
In Hibernate 6 however, .addScalar("jsonColumn", new JsonBinaryType(TestTabel.SomeJson.class))
is not working anymore.
Is there a workaround or a real solution?
jsonColumn is of type jsonb
I have managed to fix it.
Instead of using
.addScalar("jsonColumn", new JsonBinaryType(TestTabel.SomeJson.class))
you have to use:
.addScalar("someJson", new CustomType<>(
new JsonBinaryType(TestTabel.SomeJson.class), new TypeConfiguration()))