
Writing Bubble Sorting Function

I'm trying to write a simple bubble sort function to sort some random data. Whenever executed though it simply prints the unsorted list as it was written initially. Where did i go wrong??? Code:

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define NUM_CITIES 10

typedef struct
    string city;
    int temp;

avg_temp temps[NUM_CITIES] = {
    {"Austin", 97}, {"Boston", 82"}, {"Chicago", 85},
    {"Denver", 90}, {"Las Vegas", 105}, 
    {"Los Angeles", 82}, {"Miami", 97},
    {"New York", 85}, {"Phoenix", 107},
    {"San Fransisco", 66}

void sort_cities(void);

int main(void)

    printf("\nAverage July Temperatures by City\n\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CITIES; i++)
        printf("%s: %i\n", temps[i].city, temps[i].temp);

void sort_cities(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CITIES - 1; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_CITIES - i - 1; i++)
            if (temps[j].temp < temps[j + 1].temp)
                avg_temp initial = temps[j];
                temps[j] = temps[j + 1];
                temps[j + 1] = initial;

I've tried thinking through things logically and step by step it makes sense to me, i do believe in the function it gets sorted but maybe not in my main somehow?


  • I had to change a couple of things so it would compile on godbolt, but mostly please see the changes I made to sort_cities() function. That was the pain point.

    Note especially addition of variable need_sort.

    LOGIC: As long as a swap is needed, the array still needs a sort. We always set need_sort = 0 (false) at the top of each loop. And if a swap is needed/performed, need_sort is set to 1 (true) again to flag that sorting must continue. On the last pass through the array, no swap is made because all the array components are in order, need_sort remains false, and the loop finally breaks.

    In simple terms, this logic wasn't happening/executing in the original code. Hence sorting did not occur.

    Also removed outer for() loop as while() improves and clarifies usage of variable need_sort.

    Runnable code is provided here

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define NUM_CITIES 10
    typedef struct
        char city[20];
        int temp;
    avg_temp temps[NUM_CITIES] = {
    "Las Vegas",105,
    "Los Angeles",82,
    "New York",85,
    "San Francisco",66
    void sort_cities(void);
    int main()
        printf("\nAverage July Temperatures by City\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CITIES; i++)
            printf("%s: %i\n", temps[i].city, temps[i].temp);
        return 0;
    void sort_cities(void)
    int j, need_sort = 1;
            need_sort = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < NUM_CITIES-1; j++)
                if (temps[j].temp > temps[j + 1].temp)
                    avg_temp initial = temps[j];
                    temps[j] = temps[j + 1];
                    temps[j + 1] = initial;


        Average July Temperatures by City
        San Francisco: 66
        Boston: 82
        Los Angeles: 82
        Chicago: 85
        New York: 85
        Denver: 90
        Austin: 97
        Miami: 97
        Las Vegas: 105
        Phoenix: 107