I'd like to fill string missing values in one column with condition based on row after in python. enter image description here
The missing values should have different value with the row after (if we see it with timely perspective), so it should be connect -> disconnect -> connect and so on.
So in this case here I would like to have the Monitoring Desc
missing values to be filled with "disconnect", as the row after is "connect".
I've tried:
df['Monitoring Desc'] = df['Monitoring Desc'].fillna(np.where(df['Monitoring Desc'].shift(1) == "ws_connect", "ws_disconnect", "ws_connect"))
but showed error message: TypeError: "value" parameter must be a scalar, dict or Series, but you passed a "ndarray"
I'm not do this kind of analysis in python, so I can't think of anything else. Maybe there is something to do with loop or function to fill these missing values? Any help would be appreciated.
plz provide input as text table not image.
mapping reverse and ffill
m = {'ws_connect':'ws_disconnect', 'ws_disconnect':'ws_connect'}
df['Monitoring Desc'] = df['Monitoring Desc'].fillna(df['Monitoring Desc'].map(m).ffill())
Monitoring Desc datetime
3956 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 21:00
3955 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 20:00
1336 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 19:58
3954 ws_connect 2023-11-01 19:00
1363 ws_connect 2023-11-01 18:00
1364 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 18:00
1365 ws_connect 2023-11-01 18:00
3953 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 18:00
3952 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 17:00
3951 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 16:00
3950 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 15:00
3949 ws_disconnect 2023-11-01 14:00
Example Code
import pandas as pd
data1 = {'Monitoring Desc': {3956: 'ws_disconnect', 3955: 'ws_disconnect', 1336: 'ws_disconnect',
3954: 'ws_connect', 1363: 'ws_connect', 1364: 'ws_disconnect',
1365: 'ws_connect', 3953: 'ws_disconnect', 3952: 'ws_disconnect',
3951: 'ws_disconnect', 3950: 'ws_disconnect', 3949: 'ws_disconnect'},
'datetime': {3956: '2023-11-01 21:00', 3955: '2023-11-01 20:00', 1336: '2023-11-01 19:58',
3954: '2023-11-01 19:00', 1363: '2023-11-01 18:00', 1364: '2023-11-01 18:00',
1365: '2023-11-01 18:00', 3953: '2023-11-01 18:00', 3952: '2023-11-01 17:00',
3951: '2023-11-01 16:00', 3950: '2023-11-01 15:00', 3949: '2023-11-01 14:00'}}
df = pd.DataFrame(data1)