In laravel i use chillerlan/php-qrcode to create a QR VCard. When android scan the qr all field is populated while in ios.iphone the firstname is empty and the lastname contain all the value.
Reference for chillerlan document
Working fine
First name: ValueFirstname
Middle name: ValueMiddlename
Last name: ValueLastname
First name is empty and Last name contain all the value
First name:
Last name: ValueFirstname ValueMiddlename ValueLastname
firstname = $vcard_request->input('firstname');
$middlename = $vcard_request->input('middlename');
$lastname = $vcard_request->input('lastname');
$vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n";
if (!empty($middlename) && strtolower($middlename) !== 'n/a') {
$formattedName = "$firstname $middlename $lastname";
$vcard .= "N:$formattedName\r\n";
} else {
$formattedName = "$firstname $lastname";
$vcard .= "N:$formattedName\r\n";
$vcard .= "VERSION:4.0\r\n";
$vcard .= "END:VCARD";
"chillerlan/php-qrcode": "^4.3",
For Android it may work well but for iOS it expects these names to be in their specific positions according to the VCard
specification.Try this >>
$firstname = $vcard_request->input('firstname'); $middlename = $vcard_request->input('middlename'); $lastname = $vcard_request->input('lastname');
$vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n";
$formattedName = $lastname . ';' . $firstname . ';' . $middlename . ';;';
$vcard .= "N:" . $formattedName . "\r\n";
$vcard .= "VERSION:4.0\r\n";
$vcard .= "END:VCARD";