
Algorithm: Quick select not returning right answer

I was trying to solve the question "what is the kth largest element of vector nums"

Is a leetcode question.

below is all the code. It should return five. After analyzing the code I noticed that tail=kth element on the second iteration however tail is not at the final destination. Things are only correct if I choose the last element as the pivot but WHY? shouldn't work regardless of pivot selection?

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
    int kthLargestElement(vector<int> nums, size_t kth)
        return quickSelect(nums, 0, nums.size()-1, nums.size() - kth);
    int quickSelect(vector<int> nums, size_t left, size_t right, size_t kth)
        size_t tail = left, pointer = left, pivot = (left+right)/2;
        while(pointer <= pivot)
            if(nums[pointer] < nums[pivot])
                std::swap(nums[tail], nums[pointer]);
                tail++; pointer++;
        std::swap(nums[tail], nums[pivot]);
        if(tail > kth)
            return quickSelect(nums, left, tail-1, kth);
        else if(tail < kth)
            return quickSelect(nums, tail+1, right, kth);
        return nums[tail];

int main()
    Solution s;
    auto test = vector<int>{3,2,1,5,6,4};
    cout<< s.kthLargestElement(test, 2)<< endl;


  • There are a few issues:

    Not a problem, but:

    Here is a correction of the quickSelect function

        // Take the vector by reference:
        int quickSelect(vector<int> &nums, size_t left, size_t right, size_t kth)
            size_t tail = left; 
            // Safeguard pivot value, by moving it to the right side
            std::swap(nums[(left + right) / 2], nums[right]); 
            // Visit ALL values (except pivot)
            for (size_t pointer = left; pointer < right; pointer++) 
                if (nums[pointer] < nums[right]) // Pivot is now at the right
                    std::swap(nums[tail], nums[pointer]);
            std::swap(nums[tail], nums[right]); // Now we are sure we swap the pivot
            return tail > kth ? quickSelect(nums, left, tail-1, kth)
                 : tail < kth ? quickSelect(nums, tail+1, right, kth)
                 : nums[tail];