I try to create a Scotty Web app with CRUD operations. I can do the get operation to fetch all the todos list
getTodos :: ActionM ()
getTodos = do
(todos :: [Entity Todos]) <-
liftIO $ inBackend $ selectList [] []
json todos
But I am blocked in my get operation to fetch only one item by id (which is a uuid value)
getTodo :: ActionM ()
getTodo = do
(id :: Text) <- param "id"
(todos :: [Entity Todos]) <-
liftIO $ inBackend $ selectList [TodosId ==. id][]
json todos
I got this message from "cabal run" command:
app/Main.hs:133:38: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Text’ with ‘Key Todos’
arising from a use of ‘TodosId’
• In the first argument of ‘(==.)’, namely ‘TodosId’
In the expression: TodosId ==. id
In the first argument of ‘selectList’, namely ‘[TodosId ==. id]’
I have tried to find a code to create a Persistent "Key" value to use in "selectList [TodosId ==. id][]" but all my test failed.
I am using
Cabal ==,
scotty ==0.20.1,
persistent ==,
persistent-postgresql ==,
I want to share the solution:
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Web.PathPieces
parseNewsId :: Text -> TodosId
parseNewsId =
fromJust . fromPathPiece
getTodo :: ActionM ()
getTodo = do
(id :: Text) <- param "id"
(todos :: [Entity Todos]) <-
liftIO $ inBackend $ selectList [TodosId ==. (parseNewsId id)][]
json todos
And can get the result as expected
"description": "it is awesome",
"id": "4754e8n7-6e5c-1234-7894-9312071db111",
"is_done": false,
"name": "Do exercice haskell"
Thanks for your attention!