I am trying to hit my Vertex AI endpoint from a Golang web application (the web server/application is running on cloud run+build). The web application has a form that I'm landing into the Details Submission, my question is, how do I take the struct received from the web application and cast it to a type accepted in the Instances field of the aiplatformb.PredictRequest struct?
type Submission struct {
MonthlyIncome int
Age int
Passport int
var Details = Submission{}
Ctx := context.Background()
C, err := aiplatform.NewPredictionClient(Ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error 1: %v", err)
defer C.Close()
reqs := &aiplatformpb.PredictRequest{
Endpoint: "{{my endpoint that is formatted correctly}",
Instances: []*structpb.Value{},
I've tried hitting this endpoint externally using postman and the request below confirms the endpoint is up and running. Those values are the values of the Details Submission
"instances": [
After several attempts using the client libraries and consulting documentation, the .Predict()
method [which acts on a pointer to PredictionClient
type] doesn't allow you to specify the schema of the vertex AI model endpoint. So the solution is to send the request via the .RawPredict()
method, so making a serialized JSON (structpb) request works only if the schema implemented by the golang GCP client library matches that of your deployed model.
Here's the GCP documentation for PredictionClient
Here are the necessary libraries for forming and using the RawPredict()
import (
aiplatform "cloud.google.com/go/aiplatform/apiv1"
And here's the code:
// Get the form values from the web application
income, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("MonthlyIncome"))
age, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("Age"))
passport, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("Passport"))
// create our struct from the form values
Details = Submission{
MonthlyIncome: income,
Age: age,
Passport: passport,
v := reflect.ValueOf(Details)
body = ""
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
body = body + fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Field(i).Interface()) + ","
if last := len(body) - 1; last >= 0 && body[last] == ',' {
body = body[:last]
Requestb = pre + body + post
log.Println("The request string was:", Requestb)
// structure the body of the raw request
Raw := &httpbody.HttpBody{}
Raw.Data = []byte(Requestb)
// identify the post request using the raw body and the endpoint
reqs := &aiplatformpb.RawPredictRequest{
// Note GCP Project ID, Region, and endpoint ID
Endpoint: "projects/<PROJECT-HERE>/locations/<REGDION-HERE>/endpoints/<ENDPOINT-ID-HERE>",
HttpBody: Raw,
// CTX gets the credentials of the application service account - NOTE THE REGION
Ctx := context.Background()
C, err := aiplatform.NewPredictionClient(Ctx, option.WithEndpoint("<REGION-HERE>-aiplatform.googleapis.com:443"))
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error 1, connectrion:", err)
defer C.Close()
// gets the response using the credentials of the application service account
resp, err := C.RawPredict(Ctx, reqs)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error 2, response: %v", err)
RespString := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", resp)
log.Println("The Response String was:", resp)