
Packages disappeared in Target Platform 2023-12

My Eclipse RCP application currently uses the Target Platform 2023-09, which is defined in the file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde version="3.8"?>
<target name="Retrospective (2023-09)">
        <location includeAllPlatforms="false" includeConfigurePhase="true" includeMode="planner" includeSource="true" type="InstallableUnit">
            <repository location=""/>
            <unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
            <unit id="org.eclipse.platform.sdk" version="0.0.0"/>

Now I try to upgrade to the recently released Target Platform 2023-12 and created below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde version="3.8"?>
<target name="Retrospective (2023-12)">
        <location includeAllPlatforms="false" includeConfigurePhase="true" includeMode="planner" includeSource="true" type="InstallableUnit">
            <repository location=""/>
            <unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
            <unit id="org.eclipse.platform" version="0.0.0"/>

After loading this new definition, the classes from the following packages cannot be found anymore.

No idea if these classes have been moved to different packages or if they got completely removed. I was also not able to find any helpful changelog for this topic.


  • I used

    <unit id="" version="4.30.0.v20231201-0512"/>

    instead of org.eclipse.platform

    For org.eclipse.jface.text I put that in the feature.xml for my own code and Tycho finds it.