
Resolution of scanLRTS

I want to increase the resolution of the output of scanLRTS. Changing the dimyx parameter only increases the dimensions of the output image, but not the pixel resolution of the output values. I have also unsuccessfully tried the eps and xy parameters.

plot(scanLRTS(shapley, 1, method="poisson"))

base scanLRTS

plot(scanLRTS(shapley, 1, dimyx = 200, method="poisson"))

scanLRTS with changed dimyx parameter

The only hack I found to increase the resolution is to change the global parameters via spatstat.options(npixel=200)

plot(scanLRTS(shapley, 1, method="poisson"))

scanLRTS with changed global parameter

Is there another option how to achieve the same result without changing the global parameters of spatstat?


  • This is a bug.

    It has been fixed in the development version of spatstat.explore (version 3.2-5.007 and later) available from the GitHub repository.