
gh-page hosting Parcel v2 built project contains static image assets that would not be displayed when live

Project website hosting on https://bigyajuu.github.io/my-portfolio/. The images in question are supposed to be viewed via these following clickable containers: Click any of these container Error images in question

When deploying my project to gh-page, images that were being handled dynamically by jQuery would show up errors.

I am using pure TS/JS-HTML-CSS for my project, bundled using Parcel v2.

When Parcel builds, reporter plugin parcel-reporter-static-files-copy would automatically move my asset folder img/ into dist/ folder, in hope that the image paths can be correctly found when built. But the images still won't show up.

The project directory can be summarized as follows:

        img\ (outside img\ moves to here when built)
        ... (where built items lie)
    img\ (asset folder)
    src\ (source codes)

Just to make clear, the way jQuery handles my images is as follows: (/src/ts/engine/mixin-components/overview-dialog.ts)

            'src': this.images[i].path,
            'title': this.images[i].title,

$slideshow then appends to another element, which replaces another element somewhere inside the html.

package.json scripts: ...

"scripts": {
    "build": "parcel build src/index.html",
    "open": "parcel src/index.html --open",
    "live": "npm run build && npm run open",
    "predeploy": "parcel build src/index.html --public-url ./ && cp src/.htaccess dist",
    "sass": "sass --watch css",
    "tsc_watch": "tsc -w"

During the development, I run npm run live for building and opening the website on :1234. The images there might be able to show, probably after I cleared all caches.

When deploying to gh-page, predeploy is run instead. Images would not show this time.

When inspecting elements, gh-page returns GET https://bigyajuu.github.io/img/works/<any images> 404 (Not Found) in the console.

The goal is to let the images show on live gh-page build.

The other attempts when I was able to make images show in local environment is to run parcel build src/index.html img/**. But I really don't quite understand how this command works.

Sorting out static asset has been a HUGE mess for me over the months, hopefully someone could help. Thanks!


  • Solved my own problem so simply... ta...

    It turns out that the dist/ folder is built by Parcel being hosted on https://bigyajuu.github.io/my-portfolio/.

    But I set the root of the image files as /. That just points to https://bigyajuu.github.io/.

    To correct the paths you need to make sure the root is ./. That is all.

    E.g.: ./img/something/somethingElse.png

    And for the reason why these images work normally in dev environment - of course they do. It's localhost:1234. The root can have some leeway for that.

    And remember to check Inspect Elements at all times.