I'm trying to create a chrome extension for sending messages. I just want to add my name above the messages.
The problem is that I don't know how to send my name that comes from the variable (nomeAtendente).
I would be very grateful for any help, as I've been searching for how to do this on the internet for a few days now and haven't found anything.
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const menu = document.querySelector("#app > div > div > div._2Ts6i._3RGKj > header > div._604FD > div > span > span");
const content = document.querySelector("#app > div > div > div._2Ts6i._2xAQV");
if (menu && content) {
const btnMenu = document.createElement("button");
btnMenu.innerHTML = "7C";
const divLateralHTML = `
Nome do atendente: <br>
<input type="text" id="nomeAtendente">
<button id="buttonSalvar" name="button" class="">Salvar</button>
content.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `<div id="divLateral" style="display: none;">${divLateralHTML}</div>`);
//Abre e fecha o menu.
const divLateral = document.getElementById("divLateral");
let divLateralVisivel = false;
btnMenu.addEventListener("click", function () {
divLateralVisivel = !divLateralVisivel;
divLateral.style.display = divLateralVisivel ? "block" : "none";
//Salva os dados
const buttonSalvar = document.getElementById("buttonSalvar");
buttonSalvar.addEventListener("click", function () {
localStorage.setItem("nomeAtendente", document.getElementById("nomeAtendente").value);
alert("Salvo com sucesso!")
// Obtém o valor do localStorage e define no input
document.getElementById("nomeAtendente").value = localStorage.getItem('nomeAtendente') || "";
const nomeAtendente = localStorage.getItem("nomeAtendente");
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
document.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
document.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) {
function handleEvent(e) {
const elemento = document.querySelector("#main > footer > div._2lSWV._3cjY2.copyable-area > div > span:nth-child(2) > div > div._1VZX7 > div._3Uu1_ > div > div > p > span");
if (elemento !== null) {
mensagemOriginal = elemento.textContent.trim();
localStorage.setItem("mensagemOriginal", mensagemOriginal);
//console.log("Original: " + mensagemOriginal);
if (e.key === "Enter" || e.code === "Enter") {
mensagemOriginal = localStorage.getItem('mensagemOriginal') || ""
const novaMensagem = `*[${nomeAtendente}]*\n${mensagemOriginal}`;
var elementoRemover = document.querySelector("#main > footer > div._2lSWV._3cjY2.copyable-area > div > span:nth-child(2) > div > div._1VZX7 > div._3Uu1_ > div > div.lhggkp7q.qq0sjtgm.jxacihee.c3x5l3r8.b9fczbqn.t35qvd06.m62443ks.rkxvyd19.c5h0bzs2.bze30y65.kao4egtt.kh4n4d4z.tt14wmjx");
if (elementoRemover) {
// Selecione o elemento com a classe "selectable-text" e classe "copyable-text"
var elementoModificar = document.querySelector("#main > footer > div._2lSWV._3cjY2.copyable-area > div > span:nth-child(2) > div > div._1VZX7 > div._3Uu1_ > div > div > p");
if (elementoModificar) {
elementoModificar.innerHTML = elementoModificar.innerHTML.replace(/<br>/g, '');
elementoModificar.innerHTML += `<span class="selectable-text copyable-text" data-lexical-text="true">${novaMensagem}</span>`;
localStorage.setItem("mensagemOriginal", "");
}, 1000);
My first thought was to hook the function WhatsApp Web used to submit the message, or change the internal state of the app. Unfortunately I was not able to actually pin-point them after fiddling with the page.
What I tried after, which seems to work, is this:
const editorElement = document.querySelector('#main div[data-lexical-editor]');
function modifyMessage() {
const editorSpan = editorElement.querySelector('span[data-lexical-text]'); // get span[data-lexical-text]
console.log('editorSpan:', editorSpan);
if (editorSpan) { // might not exist if the input field is empty
const origMessage = editorSpan.childNodes[0].data; // get original message from text node (first child)
const newMessage = '*AUTHOR*\n' + origMessage;
editorSpan.childNodes[0].data = newMessage; // alter it!
console.log('origMessage:', `"${origMessage}"`, 'newMessage:', `"${editorSpan.childNodes[0].data}"`);
console.log('origMessage:', `"${origMessage}"`, 'newMessage:', `"${editorSpan.childNodes[0].data}"`);
function handleEvent(e) {
console.log('handleEvent:', e);
if (e.type === 'keydown') {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
const USE_CAPTURE = true;
editorElement.addEventListener('keydown', handleEvent, {capture:USE_CAPTURE}); // NOTE: 'capture:true' may be needed in this case, to ensure the key event is captured before WA handles it */
// editorElement.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEvent, USE_CAPTURE);
With a few adjustments the same logic could be used to handle 'onClick' on the send button.
Hopefully this is helpful, or at least a good starting point. ;D
And that ~would work for a single chat... but what if you selected another chat?!
Enter MutationObserver...
The MutationObserver API let's you listen for changes to the DOM and react to them.
With the following code we listen for a new chat element being added to the DOM (matching the '#main' selector), and wire the events to the new editor element.
function modifyMessage() {
const editorSpan = editorElement.querySelector('span[data-lexical-text]'); // get span[data-lexical-text]
console.log('editorSpan:', editorSpan);
if (editorSpan) { // might not exist if the input field is empty
const origMessage = editorSpan.childNodes[0].data; // get original message from text node (first child)
const newMessage = '*AUTHOR* 😎\n' + origMessage;
editorSpan.childNodes[0].data = newMessage; // alter it!
console.log('origMessage:', `"${origMessage}"`, 'newMessage:', `"${editorSpan.childNodes[0].data}"`);
function handleEvent(e) {
console.log('handleEvent:', e);
if (e.type === 'keydown') {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
function waitForElement(selector, callback) {
// check if element matching selector is already in the DOM
let matchedElement = document.querySelector(selector);
if (matchedElement) {
// setup a MutationObserver that listens to changes to the DOM
let mutObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationRecords, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationRecords) {
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (addedNode.matches(selector)) {
const options = {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
mutObserver.observe(document.documentElement, options);
return mutObserver; // so that you can call .disconnect() to stop observing
let editorElement = null; // this will store the editorElement for the current chat
// watch for chat change
let observer = waitForElement('#main', (matchedElement) => {
console.log('matched (new chat clicked):', matchedElement);
let newEditorElement = document.querySelector('#main div[data-lexical-editor]');
if (editorElement != newEditorElement) { // check if it's actually a different editorElement
editorElement = newEditorElement;
console.log('new editorElement:', editorElement);
const USE_CAPTURE = true;
editorElement.addEventListener('keydown', handleEvent, {capture:USE_CAPTURE}); // NOTE: 'capture:true' may be needed in this case, to ensure the key event is captured before WA handles it */
// editorElement.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEvent, USE_CAPTURE);
// observer.disconnect();
Slightly altered code.
Now the approach is to listen for added nodes inside the right panes (matched by '._2xAQV' - check if that's the case on your end too), and rewire the events as needed.
Also adds/removes a click event listener to the send buttons, and keydown events on the correct text-inputs (should work for attachments too now).
function modifyMessage() {
const editorSpan = editorElement.querySelector('span[data-lexical-text]'); // get span[data-lexical-text]
console.log('editorSpan:', editorSpan);
if (editorSpan) { // might not exist if the input field is empty
const origMessage = editorSpan.childNodes[0].data; // get original message from text node (first child)
const newMessage = '*AUTHOR* 😎\n' + origMessage;
editorSpan.childNodes[0].data = newMessage; // alter it!
console.log('origMessage:', `"${origMessage}"`, 'newMessage:', `"${editorSpan.childNodes[0].data}"`);
function handleEvent(e) {
console.log('handleEvent:', e);
if ((e.type === 'keydown' && e.key === 'Enter') || e.type === 'click') {
// SLIGHTLY MODIFIED CODE (should also handle send button and text messages below images)
function waitForElement(selector, callback) {
// check if element matching selector is already in the DOM
let matchedElement = document.querySelector(selector);
if (matchedElement) {
// setup a MutationObserver that listens to changes to the DOM
let mutObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationRecords, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationRecords) {
if (mutation.addedNodes?.length > 0) console.log('addedNodes:', mutation.addedNodes);
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (addedNode.matches(selector)) {
/*if (mutation.removedNodes?.length > 0) console.log('removedNodes:', mutation.removedNodes);
for (const removedNode of mutation.removedNodes) {
if (removedNode.matches(selector)) {
const options = {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
mutObserver.observe(document.documentElement, options);
return mutObserver; // so that you can call .disconnect() to stop observing
let editorElement = null; // this will store the editorElement for the current chat
let sendButtonElement = null; // this will store the sendButtonElement for the current chat
// watch for changes to the DOM (for elements added inside "._2xAQV" (which match the right panes))
let observer = waitForElement('._2xAQV *', (matchedElement) => {
console.log('matchedElement:', matchedElement);
// editor
const editorSelector = '._2xAQV .lexical-rich-text-input'; //'#main div[data-lexical-editor]'
let newEditorElement = document.querySelector(editorSelector);
if (editorElement != newEditorElement) { // check if it's actually a different editorElement
editorElement = newEditorElement;
console.log('new editorElement:', editorElement);
const USE_CAPTURE = true;
if (editorElement) editorElement.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEvent, USE_CAPTURE); // remove event listener
editorElement.addEventListener('keydown', handleEvent, {capture:USE_CAPTURE}); // NOTE: 'capture:true' may be needed in this case, to ensure the key event is captured before WA handles it */
// send button
const sendButtonSelector = '._2xAQV span[data-icon="send"]'; //'#main div[data-lexical-editor]'
let newSendButtonElement = document.querySelector(sendButtonSelector)?.parentElement;
if (sendButtonElement != newSendButtonElement) { // check if it's actually a different sendButtonElement
sendButtonElement = newSendButtonElement;
console.log('new newSendButtonElement:', sendButtonElement);
const USE_CAPTURE = true;
if (sendButtonElement) sendButtonElement.removeEventListener('click', handleEvent, USE_CAPTURE); // remove event listener
sendButtonElement.addEventListener('click', handleEvent, {capture:USE_CAPTURE}); // NOTE: 'capture:true' may be needed in this case, to ensure the click event is captured before WA handles it */
// observer.disconnect();
Could be refactored a bit, but you should get the gist of it. Anyway let me know if it works for you.