I want to move multiple times randomly a list of ~1 millions spheres. I have an initial list of non-overlapping spheres (array of centers) with the same radius.
Therefore, the goal is to apply small translations to each of them, taking care that, at the end, the spheres are still within some space boundaries, but also that no overlap occurs.
I tried myself to do it, by moving one by one the spheres and rejecting the motion if there is an overlap. However, even only testing for neighbors, the script is incredibly slow and would take hours just for N_motions=1.
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
def in_cylinder(all_points, Rmax, Zmin, Zmax):
all_points = np.atleast_2d(all_points)
radial_distances = np.sqrt(all_points[:, 0]**2 + all_points[:, 1]**2)
return (radial_distances <= Rmax) & (Zmin <= all_points[:, 2]) & (all_points[:, 2] <= Zmax)
def move_spheres(centers, r_spheres, motion_coef, N_motions):
n_spheres = len(centers)
updated_centers = np.copy(centers)
motion_magnitude = motion_coef * r_spheres
# Identify potential neighbors for each sphere
for _ in range(N_motions):
tree = cKDTree(centers)
potential_neighbors = [tree.query_ball_point(center, 2*r_spheres + 2*motion_magnitude) for center in updated_centers]
updated = np.zeros(n_spheres, dtype=bool)
for i in range(n_spheres):
# Generate a random direction
direction = np.random.randn(3)
direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction)
# Generate a random magnitude
magnitude = np.random.uniform(0, motion_magnitude)
# Move the sphere
new_center = updated_centers[i] + direction * magnitude
# Check for space boundaries
if in_cylinder(new_center, Rmax, Zmin, Zmax):
neighbors_indices = [idx for idx in potential_neighbors[i] if idx != i]
neighbors_centers = updated_centers[neighbors_indices]
distances = np.linalg.norm(neighbors_centers - new_center, axis=1)
overlap = np.any(distances < 2 * r_spheres)
# Update the center if no overlap
if not overlap:
updated_centers[i] = new_center
updated[i] = True
print('out of cylinder')
print(sum(updated), sum(updated)/n_spheres)
return updated_centers
Would you have any recommendations to speed this up?
I found a set of optimizations that add up to about a ~5x improvement, depending on how you benchmark it. I don't think a 100x improvement is possible without completely changing the algorithm.
I tried the following ideas to improve this:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import numba as nb
import math
def in_cylinder(all_points, Rmax, Zmin, Zmax):
radial_distances = all_points[0]**2 + all_points[1]**2
return (radial_distances <= Rmax ** 2) & (Zmin <= all_points[2]) & (all_points[2] <= Zmax)
def generate_random_vector(max_magnitude):
# Generate a random direction
direction = np.random.randn(3)
direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction)
# Generate a random magnitude
magnitude = np.random.uniform(0, max_magnitude)
return direction * magnitude
def euclidean_distance(vec_a, vec_b):
acc = 0.0
for i in range(vec_a.shape[0]):
acc += (vec_a[i] - vec_b[i]) ** 2
return math.sqrt(acc)
def any_neighbor_in_range(new_center, all_neighbors, neighbors_indices, threshold, ignore_idx):
for neighbor_idx in neighbors_indices:
if neighbor_idx == ignore_idx:
# This neighbor is myself - ignore this one
distance = euclidean_distance(new_center, all_neighbors[neighbor_idx])
if distance < threshold:
return True
return False
def move_spheres(centers, r_spheres, motion_coef, N_motions):
n_spheres = len(centers)
updated_centers = np.copy(centers)
motion_magnitude = motion_coef * r_spheres
# Identify potential neighbors for each sphere
for _ in range(N_motions):
tree = cKDTree(centers)
potential_neighbors_batch = tree.query_ball_point(updated_centers, 2*r_spheres + 2*motion_magnitude, workers=-1)
updated = np.zeros(n_spheres, dtype=bool)
for i in range(n_spheres):
vector = generate_random_vector(motion_magnitude)
# Move the sphere
new_center = updated_centers[i] + vector
# Check for space boundaries
if in_cylinder(new_center, Rmax, Zmin, Zmax):
neighbors_indices = np.array(potential_neighbors[i])
overlap = any_neighbor_in_range(new_center, updated_centers, neighbors_indices, 2 * r_spheres, i)
# Update the center if no overlap
if not overlap:
updated_centers[i] = new_center
updated[i] = True
# print(f'{sum(updated)}/{i+1}')
# print('out of cylinder')
print(sum(updated), sum(updated)/n_spheres)
return updated_centers