
Visual Studio Blue Debug and Run button has disappeared

The "debug and run" button which is located in blue box has disappeared in my visual studio code. I couldn't found any solutions for this problem. I know that I have another choice to run the visual studio. But I used to launch this program with that button but using it with the other run button seems different. By saying "different" I mean they both have different interfaces in terminal. Can anyone help me about how can i bring it back?

I tried resetting all the menus, resetting open user settings(JSON), resetting view locations, updating the vs code, but it made no sense(btw im using linux mint for developing).

Also by saying "blue button", what i mean is this


  • Btw I noticed that my problem has solved automatically by itself. I don't know how. I'm closing the topic. Thanks for everyone who had thought on this topic to find a solution.