I am trying to get rid of x-axis ticks for individual bar plots in this faceted plot. This plot is generated using ObservableHQ's Plot object.
marginLeft: 10,
marginRight: 10,
label: null,
y: { padding: 0, label: "Channels (Log_2)" },
color: {
legend: true,
marks: [
Plot.barY(processed_data, {
fx: "layer",
x: "concept",
y: "channel",
fill: "concept",
inset: 0.5,
I want the ticks to be removed from the bottom, because it is redundant as the class is encoded as colors.
It can be disabled by simply specifying an empty tick list.
marginLeft: 10,
marginRight: 10,
label: null,
y: { padding: 0, label: "Channels (Log_2)" },
color: {
legend: true,
marks: [
Plot.barY(processed_data, {
fx: "layer",
x: "concept",
y: "channel",
fill: "concept",
inset: 0.5,
Plot.axisX({ticks: []}),