
Query wp_postmeta table to return post_id rows with LIKE condition on one meta_value and order by another meta_value

I currently have this so I can show product results that say "Product data not found" in the meta_key "product_info"

My current query is this SQL:

FROM `wp_postmeta`
WHERE `meta_key` LIKE 'product_info'
    AND `meta_value` LIKE '%Product data not found%'

Apart from this, I need to be able to show them in order from the oldest to the newest and this data is found in the meta_key "last_update" in the form of numbers as in the example.

How would I do user order by with the meta_key "last_update"


post_id   meta_key         meta_value
19248   product_info     Product data not found
19248   last_update      1959520849
19249   product_info     Product data not found
19249   last_update      1659520849
19250   product_info     OK
19250   last_update      1759520849
19251   product_info     Product data not found
19251   last_update      1859520849

I wish to achieve this as a result

post_id   meta_key         meta_value
19249   product_info     Product data not found
//not visible result 19249   last_update      1659520849
19251   product_info     Product data not found
//not visible result 19251   last_update      1859520849
19248   product_info     Product data not found
//not visible result 19248   last_update      1959520849

As we can see, it was ordered from the lowest number only taking into account the post_id that they have in their product_info "Product data not found"

Not visible result = I put it so you can see that it was ordered by time

Sorry if the question is poorly phrased, I'm new to SQL.


  • You need to JOIN to wp_postmeta again, looking for the same post_id and a meta_key of last_update. You can then ORDER BY the meta_value from the second table:

    SELECT wp1.*
    FROM wp_postmeta wp1
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta wp2 ON wp2.post_id = wp1.post_id AND wp2.meta_key = 'last_update'
    WHERE wp1.meta_key LIKE 'product_info' AND wp1.meta_value LIKE '%Product data not found%'
    ORDER BY COALESCE(wp2.meta_value, 0)

    Output for your sample data:

    post_id meta_key        meta_value
    19249   product_info    Product data not found
    19251   product_info    Product data not found
    19248   product_info    Product data not found

    Demo on

    Note that I've used a LEFT JOIN with COALESCE to deal with any posts which don't have a last_update value. The 0 value in COALESCE means those posts will sort first; if you want them to sort last, use COALESCE(wp2.meta_value, 2147483647) instead.