I would like to understand if there is a way for me to include additional documentation with the API docs that get generated by dartdoc
According to the Package layout conventions there is a getting_started.md
file included inside the doc/
directory and is displayed like this ...
api/ ***
How does that file get incorporated into the docs by dartdoc
and where does it show up in the output? I've tried to simply add my own *.md
files in the doc/
directory but they don't appear to get used.
I have also read about Categories in the dartdoc documentation which states:
categories: More details for each category/topic. For topics you'd like to document, specify the markdown file with markdown: to use for the category page. Optionally, rename the category from the source code into a display name with 'name:'. If there is no matching category defined in dartdoc_options.yaml, those declared categories in the source code will be invisible.
So I then tried to reference the additional documents in the dartdoc_options.yaml
file like this ...
"Getting Started":
markdown: doc/getting_started.md
"Search Filters":
markdown: doc/search_filters.md
categoryOrder: ["Getting Started", "Search Filters"]
But that too did not generate any results.
Does anyone know how if it's possible to include additional documentation and if so how to accomplish this?
I disagree - arbitary .md is well catered for and I use an md file as the top level explainer for each of the libs I need to document.
There are 'gotchas' though and as others have pointed out:
Then you will have something like this in your yaml:
"Getting Started":
markdown: docs/install.md
name: install
markdown: docs/auth.md
name: authorization
categoryOrder: ["Getting Started", "Authorization"]
and your method/function will have this docstring:
/// {@category Authorization}
don't forget to create the .md file too.