I need to test a scenario where I need to send 100 POST request at one go without any time interval and then after 5 min. I need to send 100 GET request at one go. Both POST and GET request are in one thread group only
I tried adding constant timer but it is not helping mw with this scenario to test
Add a Thread Group with 100 threads and desired number of loops
Add a HTTP Request sampler and put your details there (hostname, port, path, payload, etc.)
Add a Synchronizing Timer as a child of the HTTP Request sampler and set the "Number of Simulated Users to Group by" to 100
With regards to creating a delay there are 2 options:
If you want to create a delay after the request add Flow Control Action Sampler after the request and set it to pause for 300000 milliseconds:
If you want delay before the request add a Constant Timer as a child of the request and set pause for 300000 milliseconds
More information: A Comprehensive Guide to Using JMeter Timers