I want to show time on top and days and others on the side.
I am using full calendar 6.1 I want to show time as a row instead of a column.
I want to show time on top and days and others on the side. I am using full calendar 6.1
Edit I have set up a CodePen - Please check for demo and clarity. codepen.io/Itxshakil/pen/ExrJyqr
Unfortunately this isn't possible with the timeGrid view or any other fullCalendar view currently (the latest version of fullCalendar is 6.1.10 at the time of writing).
The timeline is the closest you will get, in the sense that the time is across the top, but also the days are across the top too, so it can scroll continously. The vertical axis can then be used for separate "resources" if you wish to split events across different rooms/people/whatever - but this is optional. Note that the timeline view is a premium feature, however.
If you want to suggest an inverted timeGrid view, or vote for any existing suggestions for it which may exist, please take a look at fullCalendar's documentation about requesting features.