
get the orthonormal Gegenbauer polynomials basis in R

I've been triying several packages to compute the orthonormal Gegenbauer polynomials basis which seems to be orthonormal at [-1,1]. Using the package midasmlI get however a different result:


x <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 100)
matplot(B <- gb(degree = 3, alpha = 1, a = -1, b = 1, jmax = NULL, X = x), type="l")

round(t(B) %*% B, 3) #not orthonormal

any reasonement why this is happening? any suggestions for an alternative approach? Thanks!


  • Orthonormality doesn't mean that this matrix is orthogonal. It means that the integral from -1 to 1 of P_i(x)P_j(x)w(x) is 0 if i != j and 1 if i = j, where w is a weight function. The weight function for the Gegenbauer polynomials with parameter alpha is (1 - x^2)^(alpha - 1/2).

    You can get these polynomials with the orthopolynom package.

    alpha <- 1
    gp.list <- gegenbauer.polynomials(3, alpha, normalized = FALSE)
    # [[1]]
    # 1 
    # [[2]]
    # 2*x 
    # [[3]]
    # -1 + 4*x^2 
    # [[4]]
    # -4*x + 8*x^3 
    w <- function(x) { # the weight function
      (1 - x^2)^(alpha - 1/2)
    GP2 <- function(x) {
      -1 + 4*x^2
    GP3 <- function(x) {
      -4*x + 8*x^3
    f <- function(x) {
      GP2(x) * GP3(x) * w(x)
    integrate(f, lower = -1, upper = 1) # should be zero
    # 0 with absolute error < 1.4e-14
    f <- function(x) {
      GP3(x) * GP3(x) * w(x)
    integrate(f, lower = -1, upper = 1) # should be pi/2
    # 1.570796 with absolute error < 6e-07

    Here the integral of P_i(x)²w(x) is not 1 because I took normalized = FALSE.