
How to use MutableLiveData and LiveData in Android?

I have used MutableLiveData and LiveData in the 3 ways below and see no difference.

    // 1
    private val _way1 = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
    val way1 get() = _way1

    // 2
    private val _way2 = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
    val way2: LiveData<Boolean> = _way2

    // 3
    var way3 = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
        private set

Can you explain it to me?


  • 1/

    This usage is meaningless in practice.


    This is a recommended way, it lets other classes observe this live data by accessing way2 but cannot change it, only the current class can change the value by modifying _way2, protecting it from being changed outside of your scope.

    Read more about object encapsulation in OOP


    So this usage is still dangerous and to my point, unnecessary to use var for a LiveData object.