
How to list shared remote desktop drives

In my MS-Access application (which runs on a Windows 2012R2 server) I need to check which local drives have been shared by my Remote Users in the Remote Desktop Local Devices and Resources tab.

I tried this:

Dim wql As String, SrvEx As Object, WMIObj As Object, WMIObjEx As Object

wql = "Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk"
Set SrvEx = GetObject("winmgmts:root/CIMV2")
Set WMIObj = SrvEx.ExecQuery(wql)
For Each WMIObjEx In WMIObj
    Me.Text1 = Me.Text1 & WMIObjEx.Path_.RelPath & vbCrLf

This lists the physical drives on the remote server, not the drives that have been shared.

I tried to change the SQL string to:

wql = "Select * From Win32_MappedLogicalDisk" 

This does not produce any results.


  • It is the host \\tsclient to search. A remote drive D will be reached with:


    So, the very simple method would be to call Dir in a loop using the possible drive letters at the client, like:

    ? Dir("\\tsclient\D\", vbDirectory)

    This will return a folder at the client or raise an error if D is not shared.

    Or just to raise an error:

    Dir "\\tsclient\D\", vbDirectory