
Why won't cy.intercept/cy.wait catch my HTTP request?

I am attempting to write a Cypress (v13.1.0) unit test and use cy.intercept to catch an HTTP GET call. This GET call happens after the user presses a button. Based on reading documentation, I setup my test in the following order: cy.intercept-{userActionHere}-cy.wait. However, the GET call never gets intercepted.


describe("API Tests", () => {
  it("get copy-style", () => {
    cy.intercept("GET", "http://localhost:7771/api/agent/report/copy-style").as("getStyle");

    openReport(undefined, testReport_demo);


    cy.wait("@getStyle").then((interception) => {
      console.log("The @getStyle result: ", interception);

Results in:

Timed out retrying after 5000ms: cy.wait() timed out waiting 5000ms for the 1st request to the route: getStyle. No request ever occurred.

I've also tried the following with the same result of no interception:

In all cases I can see the HTTP call being made via WireShark and/or in the browser's Network tab and the correct response data comes back, but Cypress isn't seeing it. Saw a lot of posts mentioning cy.server and cy.route but those appear to be deprecated. Haven't found a post yet that has helped me.


  • The real issue turned out to be the --proxy-bypass-list switch. Unbeknownst to me, the following code was in the cypress.config.ts file:

    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
          on("before:browser:launch", (browser, launchOptions) => {
            logHandler(browser, launchOptions);
            launchOptions.args = launchOptions.args.map((arg) => {
              if (arg.startsWith("--proxy-bypass-list")) {
                return "--proxy-bypass-list=<-loopback>,http://*localhost*:7771,ws://*localhost*:7771,ws://";
              return arg;
            return launchOptions;

    For example, If I used rather than localhost, my intercept worked. If the address is part of the proxy bypass list then Cypress fails to see the call and therefore won't intercept. This explains why I could see all the traffic occurring in the browser's developer tools but Cypress wouldn't catch it.