
Problems with Index Match Array returning duplicates

I'm attempting to return the column name for the three lowest values in a set. At the moment if two values are the same it is duplicating and returning the first value, which I don't want. I need it to return three unique column names with the smallest values.

The values are inputted in row 6 but I want a list in O that returns the corresponding value in row 5 for the lowest three scores without duplicates.

The formulas I have tried are '

{=INDEX(E5:L5, MATCH(SMALL(E6:L6,{1;2;3}), E6:L6,0))}

and the following which gave me an N/A error.

=INDEX(E5:L5, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($A$1:A$1, E6:L6)+IF(E6:L6<>"", 1, 0), 0))

I'm currently using Excel 2016 so TRANSPOSE/SORT didn't work for me either. I'm at a loss.

The values are inputted between E6:L6 and I need the returning values to be in an array from O10.

Sample Data

Crossposted: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-formulas-and-functions/1416581-index-match-array-returning-duplicate-values.html


  • Create a "Helper Row" somewhere on your worksheet

    AE6: =COUNTIF(E6:$L$6,E6)-1

    and fill right to AL6

    For largest 3 numbers:


    For smallest 3 numbers:


    If Excel 2016 does not have dynamic arrays, you can either:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here