In my sample project, I tried using the Objective-C classes and struct in the Swift file using the bridging headers. I get an error using the struct:
Cannot find type 'XXX' in scope
However, classes are used without any error.
My Objective-C file looks like:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
struct ObjCStruct {
NSMenu* sMenu;
int8_t menuID;
@interface ObjCClass : NSObject {
NSMenu* cMenu;
In my bridging header, I have used it as:
#import "ObjC.h"
Finally, I used struct and classes in Swift file as:
struct Model {
var c : ObjCClass;
var s : ObjCStruct;
If NSMenu* sMenu;
has been commented out from ObjC.h, then it works fine.
How can I use the Objective-C struct in the Swift file?
I have imported the Objective-C headers in the bridging header and the bridging header has been referred correctly in the build settings.
Using struct with objects is very tricky for memory management. Struct in objective-c is not the same as struct in Swift. You may reconsider declaring it a class. However, I think this is a workaround:
struct ObjCStruct {
__unsafe_unretained NSMenu* sMenu; //It's __strong by default
int8_t menuID;
In Swift:
//Manage NSMenu manually by Unmanaged. Keep in mind to release this menu
//object later or you will get a leak here.
let menu: Unmanaged<NSMenu> = Unmanaged.passRetained(NSMenu(title: "2"))
let model = Model(c: .init(), s: .init(sMenu: menu, menuID: 2))
//To get the NSMenu
let menuUI = menu.takeRetainedValue()