I have a pdb containing a protein and one single ligand. I do not like how the ligand's hydrogens are named (1H2, 2H2, 1H3, 2H3, ...) and I would like something like H1, H2, H3, H4, ...
I wrote the following script, the problem is that it seems it's not possible to assign new atom ids. The change is reflected by Atom.id, but this change is not present in the output pdb structure, which retains the old names.
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PDBIO
io = PDBIO()
target_pdb_path = 'mypdb.pdb'
pdb = PDBParser(QUIET=True).get_structure('target', target_pdb_path)[0]
hydrogens = []
for atom in pdb.get_atoms():
if atom.parent.id[0].startswith('H_'):
# The atom is an hydrogen and is an HETATM record
if 'H' in atom.name:
# Rename hydrogens of the ligand
for h_num, h in enumerate(hydrogens, 1):
# this is working, but the change is not present in the output pdb structure
h.id = f'H{h_num} '
See how assigning h.id did not change the full_id. I tried also replacing the whole full_id tuple, but also this does not work. Unfortunately it seems there's no method to change the id just like other features as Atom.set_bfactor(), Atom.set_coord() etc.
In [233]: h.full_id # still the old id 3H18
Out[233]: ('target', 0, 'X', ('H_EOD', 401, ' '), ('3H18', ' '))
In [234]: h.id # my new id
Out[234]: 'H29 '
Does anyone have a solution? Many thanks!
Given @nannarito concerns, I tried to find a way that doesn't need creating new Atom
objects, I wasn't able to get a grasp of what goes behind the wheels of Biopython PDB module (I tried but it eludes me). After various attempts I ended up with the following code:
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PDBIO
target_pdb_path = 'small_pdb_h_gtp_no-connect_numb.pdb'
pdb = PDBParser(QUIET=True).get_structure('target', target_pdb_path)
hydrogens = []
for atom in pdb[0].get_atoms():
if atom.parent.get_resname() == 'GTP' :
if atom.parent.id[0].startswith('H_'):
print(atom.parent.id , atom.name)
# The atom is an hydrogen and is an HETATM record
if 'H' in atom.name:
print('\n\nhydrogens : \n ', hydrogens,'\n\n')
for h_num, h in enumerate(hydrogens, 1):
setattr( h , 'fullname' , f'W{h_num}' ) ## or h.fullname = f'W{h_num}'
print(h.serial_number, h.name , h.id , h.full_id , h.level , h.parent)
atoms = pdb.get_atoms()
for h in atoms :
print(h.serial_number, h.name , h.id , h.full_id , h.level , h.parent)
io = PDBIO()
io.save('test_new_approach.pdb', preserve_atom_numbering = False)
Using same input of answer above I get as output file test_new_approach.pdb
HETATM 147 C5 GTP A 180 20.554 34.737 -11.307 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 148 C6 GTP A 180 19.183 34.712 -11.659 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 149 O6 GTP A 180 18.205 34.448 -10.957 1.00 0.00 O
HETATM 150 N7 GTP A 180 21.168 34.483 -10.079 1.00 0.00 N
HETATM 151 C8 GTP A 180 22.443 34.655 -10.325 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 152 N9 GTP A 180 22.724 35.005 -11.630 1.00 0.00 N
HETATM 153 W1 GTP A 180 27.642 33.664 -10.448 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 154 W2 GTP A 180 26.472 32.436 -10.894 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 155 W3 GTP A 180 26.872 34.003 -12.692 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 156 W4 GTP A 180 27.038 36.109 -10.945 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 157 W5 GTP A 180 26.303 36.091 -13.672 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 158 W6 GTP A 180 24.683 36.247 -10.440 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 159 W7 GTP A 180 24.926 37.660 -12.845 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 160 W8 GTP A 180 23.874 35.594 -13.231 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 161 W9 GTP A 180 18.670 35.593 -15.377 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 162 W10 GTP A 180 20.293 35.851 -15.834 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 163 W11 GTP A 180 27.124 35.555 -7.891 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 164 W12 GTP A 180 26.059 32.241 -5.339 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 165 W13 GTP A 180 22.030 35.588 -14.193 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 166 W14 GTP A 180 30.718 31.035 -4.497 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 167 W15 GTP A 180 23.174 34.539 -9.606 1.00 0.00 H
TER 168 GTP A 180
So setattr( h , 'fullname' , f'W{h_num}' )
seems to do the trick, but for some reasons inexplicable to me, this:
atoms = pdb.get_atoms()
for h in atoms :
print(h.serial_number, h.name , h.id , h.full_id , h.level , h.parent)
bit, used after the setattr( h , 'fullname' , f'W{h_num}' )
before or after the:
io = PDBIO()
still produces:
295 H10 H10 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H10', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
296 H11 H11 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H11', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
297 H12 H12 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H12', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
298 H13 H13 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H13', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
299 H14 H14 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H14', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
300 H15 H15 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H15', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
... the original question gets more intriguing.
I think I got something more:
needed to add h.name = f'W{h_num}'
too, like:
h.fullname = f'W{h_num}' # or setattr( h , 'fullname' , f'W{h_num}' )
h.name = f'W{h_num}' # or setattr( h , 'name' , f'W{h_num}')
to have:
299 W14 H14 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H14', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('W14', ' '))
300 W15 H15 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('H15', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('W15', ' '))
when using:
print(h.serial_number, h.name , h.id , h.full_id , h.level , h.parent)
so h.get_full_id()
returns the updated atom name
but still get old h.id
when using:
atoms = pdb.get_atoms()
for h in atoms :
print(h.serial_number, h.name , h.id , h.full_id , h.level , h.parent)
.. so to me it's like something is going on on the Structure
object and its parent/child relationships, since it can be corrected by using:
par = h.parent
h.fullname = f'W{h_num}' # or setattr( h , 'fullname' , f'W{h_num}' )
h.name = f'W{h_num}' # or setattr( h , 'name' , f'W{h_num}')
but still atom.id
doesn't get reinitialized, see:
atoms = pdb.get_atoms()
for h in atoms :
print(h.serial_number, h.name , h.id , h.full_id , h.level , h.parent)
299 W14 H14 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('W14', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
300 W15 H15 ('target', 0, 'A', ('H_GTP', 180, ' '), ('W15', ' ')) A <Residue GTP het=H_GTP resseq=180 icode= >
In the end, try using:
par = h.parent
h.fullname = f'W{h_num}'
h.name = f'W{h_num}'
h.id = f'W{h_num}'
... but cannot guarantee that something somewhere isn't wrong.