
Is it possible to debug multiple codebases running in Firebase functions emulator?

I'm trying to debug some Firebase Functions running locally with the Firebase Emulator and VS Code.

I can do that with the following command:

firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions

"Debugger is listening on ws://{some-uuid}" then I can attach VS Code to it.

The problem is that I'm running 2 codebases in the same emulator, but the debugger can start only once... so I can only debug the first codebase defined in firebase.json.

Is it possible to change the 9229 port in order to run another debugger (in the same, or in another emulator)?


  • If you're encountering issues with debugging multiple Firebase functions codebases, here's a workaround that might help.

    First, locate your firebase-tools installation folder. This folder is typically installed globally within your Node.js installation. For those using NVM (Node Version Manager) on Windows, you can usually find it at C:\Progs\nvm\v20.10.0\node_modules\firebase-tools\.

    Modifications Needed:

    1. In firebase-tools\lib\emulator\controller.js:

      • Find the line containing codebase:.
      • After codebase: cfg.codebase,, insert a new line: inspectorPort: cfg.inspectorPort,.
      • The result should look like this:
            codebase: cfg.codebase,
            inspectorPort: cfg.inspectorPort,
            env: Object.assign({}, options.extDevEnv),
            secretEnv: [],
            predefinedTriggers: options.extDevTriggers,
    2. In firebase-tools\lib\emulator\functionsEmulator.js:

      • Search for ${this.args.debugPort}.
      • Replace it with ${backend.inspectorPort || this.args.debugPort}.
      • This ensures that inspectorPort from the configuration is used if specified, otherwise it defaults to the port from command-line arguments or the default port.

    After these changes, your Firebase Tools installation should now support specifying separate ports for each codebase.

    Further Configuration:

    With these steps completed, when you start the emulators, you should be able to attach debugger instances to the different functions codebases for effective debugging. Happy coding!