I'm trying to access an array and with every iteration I store the value of the element in register AL. The array I am accessing is an array that got its values from the user, the values I entered are (12134).
The issue is when I try to access the each element of the array in the procedure and store in register AL, the wrong value is stored which is (31) and this is for the first element, the second element is stored as (32) in AL. I tried to know the reason behind this value but couldn't figure it out. Thanks in advance.
Note: I have provided screenshots of my registers on the first iteration for further clarification along with the code
;read and access array
.MODEL small
arr DB DIM DUP(?)
MOV BX, OFFSET arr ;Storing the address of arr to bx
CALL READ ; Calling the read procedure to input data into arr
MOV BX, OFFSET arr ;Storing the address of arr to bx
CALL arr_acc ;Calling the procedure that should access each element of the array and store each element
;in AL with every iteration
; Read PROC
MOV AH, 1 ; set AH for reading
lab1: INT 21H ; read a character
MOV BX[DI], AL ; store the character
INC DI ; go to next element
CMP DI, DIM ; compare array index with 0
JNE lab1 ; jump if not equal
arr_acc PROC
lop: CMP DI,DIM ; checking if the DI reached the maximum index DIM
JE EXIT_LOP ;exit the lop which will exit the procedure as well
MOV AL, BX[DI] ; Moving the first element in AL
INC DI ; increment DI to get to the next element
JMP lop ; jump back to the loop
arr_acc ENDP
got its values from the user, the values I entered are (12134). the wrong value is stored which is (31) and this is for the first element, the second element is stored as (32) in AL
Think a moment about what the reader of your question has to deal with here! Your numbers between parenthesis (12134, 31, and 32) all look like plain decimal numbers, but only an expert reader will see through this and understand that 31 and 32 would be hexadecimal numbers that you got from the debugger screen. Be kind to the reader and write these like 31h and 32h. Alternatively use 0x31 and 0x32.
The DOS.GetCharacter function 01h responds with a character code (ASCII). For the keys 0 to 9, you get ASCII codes in the range 48 to 57. Before you use the input, you should convert from character code to the nominal value of the digit involved. The conversion is simply to subtract 48, which we normally write as sub al, '0'