
Oracle SQL - Months between dates and null values

I am currently trying to get the number of months between 2 dates in Oracle SQL, however when the end date is null then it comes up with null, is there a way to use todays date if end date is null in the select statement?

I have tried the months_between statement, but I am unsure how to handle the null value. If the end date is blank i would like the "months from start" to calculate is as if it was today my current code in select statement is - trunc(months_between(START_DATE,END_DATE)) as "Months From Start"

Current outcome in Picture

My expectation would be the "months from start" column would return -4


  • Use NVL function (or CASE, or DECODE, ... whichever you find appropriate), e.g.

    SQL> with test (event_start, event_end) as
      2    (select date '2022-02-25', date '2022-02-25' from dual union all
      3     select date '2022-02-25', date '2022-08-09' from dual union all
      4     select date '2022-08-09', null              from dual
      5    )
      6  select event_start, event_end,
      7    round(months_between(nvl(event_end, trunc(sysdate)), event_start)) mon_bet
      8  from test
      9  order by 1
     10  /
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    25.02.2022 25.02.2022          0
    25.02.2022 09.08.2022          5
    09.08.2022                    16

    BTW, there are 16 months between August 2022 and today (December 2023), not 4.