I have this command
for ($i=0; $i -gt -1; $i++) {
$path = "..."
ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (USB Microphone)" -y -t 00:10:00 -b:a 128k $path
I need to get the current state of the last line of the command output stream, then if the line remains unchanged (staled/freezing/hanging) over 5 seconds log "warning: the program is freezing. trying to restart...", then stop the process and re-start the command.
But I wonder, is it even possible? Thanks for your help.
You can use a job to run a program in the background, which enables you to monitor its output and check for timeout conditions.
The code below uses the Start-ThreadJob
cmdlet, which offers a lightweight, much faster thread-based alternative to the child-process-based regular background jobs created with Start-Job
comes with PowerShell (Core) 7+ and in Windows PowerShell can be installed on demand with, e.g., Install-Module ThreadJob -Scope CurrentUser
is compatible with the other job-management cmdlets, such as the Receive-Job
cmdlet used below. If you're running Windows PowerShell and installing the module is not an option, simply replace Start-ThreadJob
with Start-Job
in the code below.
The code uses a simplified ffmpeg
call (which should have no impact on functionality), and can be run as-is, if you place a sample.mov
file in the current directory, which will transcode it to a sample.mp4
file there.
Due to applying redirection 2>&1
to the ffmpeg
call, it is the combined stdout and stderr that is monitored, so that status and progress information, which ffmpeg
emits to stderr, is also monitored.
So as to emit progress messages in place (on the same line), as direct invocation of ffmpeg
does, a CR ("`r"
) is prepended to each and [Console]::Error.Write()
rather than [Console]::Error.WriteLine()
is used.
Caveat: Writing to [Console]::Error
bypasses PowerShell's system of output streams. This means that you'll neither be able to capture nor silence this output from inside a PowerShell session in which your script runs. However, you can capture it - via a 2>
redirection - using a call to the PowerShell CLI, e.g.:
powershell.exe -File C:\path\to\recording.ps1 2>stderr_output.txt
What constitutes a progress message is inferred from each line's content, using regex '^\w+= '
, so as to match progress lines such as frame= …
and size= …
while ($true) { # Loop indefinitely, until the ffmpeg call completes.
Write-Verbose -Verbose "Starting ffmpeg..."
# Specify the input file path.
# Output file will be the same, except with extension .mp4
$path = './sample.mov'
# Use a job to start ffmpeg in the background, which enables
# monitoring its output here in the foreground thread.
$jb = Start-ThreadJob {
# Note the need to refer to the caller's $path variable value with $using:path
# and the 2>&1 redirection at the end.
# Once the output file exists, you can simulate freezing by removing -y from the call:
# ffmpeg will get stuck at an invisible confirmation prompt.
ffmpeg -y -i $using:path ([IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($using:path, '.mp4')) 2>&1
$LASTEXITCODE # Output ffmpeg's exit code.
# Start monitoring the job's output.
$sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
do {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 # Sleep between attempts to check for output.
# Check for new lines and pass them through.
$linesReceived = $null
$jb | Receive-Job -OutVariable linesReceived |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -is [int]) {
# The value of $LASTEXITCODE output by the job after ffmpeg exited.
$exitCode = $_
elseif ($_ -is [string]) {
# Stdout output: relay as-is
else {
# Stderr output, relay directly to stderr (bypassing PowerShell's error stream).
# If it looks like a *progress* message, print it *in place*
# Note: If desired, the blinking cursor could be (temporarily) turned off with [Console]::CursorVisible = $false
if (($line = $_.ToString()) -match '^\w+= ') { [Console]::Error.Write("`r$line") }
else { [Console]::Error.WriteLine($line) }
if ($linesReceived) { $sw.Restart() } # Reset the stopwatch, if output was received.
} while (($stillRunning = $jb.State -eq 'Running') -and $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt 5)
# Clean up the job forcefully, which also aborts ffmpeg, if it's still running.
$jb | Remove-Job -Force
# Handle the case where ffmpeg exited.
# This can mean successful completion or an error condition (such as a syntax error)
if (-not $stillRunning) {
# Report the exit code, which implies success (0) vs. failure (nonzero).
Write-Verbose -Verbose "The program exited without freezing, with exit code $exitCode."
break # Exit the loop.
# ffmpeg froze: issue a warning and restart (continue the loop).
Write-Warning "The program is freezing. Restarting..."
# Exit with the exit code relayed from ffmpeg.
exit $exitCode